DB Systems offer wide range of IT databases based solutions: web, desktop and mobile applications which build matching the customer needs and according to its unique business concept and managerial behavior.
Online Censuses solution, suitable for collecting memberships and performing surveys. MifkadIT acquiring members information using web forms integrated with payment process. Mifkadit's Management Interface enable simple data control and reports producing.Click here for additional info... -
Innovative and original business web coaching game that allows small business owners to create a game on their business, as the game progresses the business get advanced.Click here for additional info...
Agricultural farm management. Menta record actual field work data, track finance transactions and perform real time profit analysis. It is flexible and tailored to the client's business culture.Click here for additional info... -
Web-based online voting system integrate simple managing interface preparing elections easily and securely, and innovative voter's interface using as a web ballot. eVote enable sending mass email and SMS remainders and invitations.Click here for additional info... -
Days of salary components calculations saving. Work hours (and finance) distribution analysis per employee, department, or organization. Easily Reports producing. Data integration between software (eg. Sinel, eg. Michpal)Click here for additional info...